Kriti, SITIA Greece
3rd Pr. School of Sitia is a rural school with its friendly staff and 305 students , from 6-13 years old. 3rd School is located on Eastern Crete, at Sitia, in Greece, in an area based its economy in agriculture and tourism. There is an airport, connected to Athens so it’s easy to have access to our city. There are 28 teachers for all the subjects including ICT, English and French or German Language. There are no disabled pupils and not many immigrants or social disadvantaged pupils. It’s an ”open school” to the local society with many activities and events. All teachers are trying to implement new teaching methods and we are trying to be informed by seminars and other inner educational ways. We are trying to follow any new teaching methods(STEM, Robotics, CLIL, ICT classrooms) just to offer a full useful educational packet. Traditions, academic achievements of every single student, personal development and the spirit of a big family are feature characteristics.